Sunday, April 6, 2014

So What Happened?/ Poem for April 2nd

Hello all,

I know, I said I would be posting a poem a day for the month of April but I was caught up in so many things that I could not even have the time/internet access to fulfill this promise. I had to attend various conferences. For one,  I listened to smart intellectual African women speak. For the other, I had to present my own work and also listen to more smart African women and men speak. I would have to talk about that experience later but for now, here are the five other poems I should have posted.

 For April 2nd, I offer you "The Murder of Poetry." Why am I trying to murder poetry? I am not quiet sure. I started taking poetry classes hoping it would be easy but it wasn't at all. I was actually tired of writing short stories and thought it would be simpler to write poems. I had difficulty being "poetical" because I wanted so badly to sound like Shakespeare but had never lived in the middle ages. The result of the struggle...Rachel murdering poetry. Poetry is powerful because it is sometimes unconventional and moves people in so many different ways. It is wise then for me not to think about murdering poetry... right?

Murder of Poetry

I tried to stab it in the heart
piercing, penetrating the sharp
knife through its essence.
I held it down with my legs
but it lay there in the silence staring at me
it starred through the  hole of the gun
but didn't cringe as I shivered to shoot
it sat up cleaning itself of the dirty lines
I swung a punch to the left
and straight towards its stomach
but it stood up in its full bloom
it offered me the hand I
stepped o,
the eye I wanted to shut
the passion I wanted to dissolve
I offered death to poetry
but it gave me life

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