Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Feeling a Little Grey?

In the beginning, God spoke light into existence. There is a light that shines brightly like the sun, yellow, big, and blinding. Then there are the stars which are like silver disco balls hanging in the navy blue sky. Then comes my favorite type of light which extends from curves of the moon. The moon's light does not pierce the iris like the rays of the sun. It is grey like the softness of water. The moon borrows light from the sun and might not be as potent as the sun. However, it can still be seen and has its own spotlight during the night. When you're feeling a little "grey" just remember that you are an extension of a greater happiness but  for now, you're just borrowing someone's light: very soon you will have your own light.

I sincerely believe that God has woven various lesson for mankind through nature. The story of salvation can clearly be seen here. Like the moon, human beings are in a world of darkness but our greatest source of light comes from the sun(Jesus). We borrow our strength and our wisdom from this light and become like the moon.  Even in the greatest amount of darkness one can still identify the moon. It's just that simple. What's your source of light?

Fashion Tip: Grey/silver/ash works like black thus always(all generalizations are FALSE including this one) wear bold colors when you wear grey.

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