Wednesday, February 26, 2014

How to Succeed in School (college) .

I was recently having lunch with my graduate professor and it was a very relaxing event. I was able to discuss my strengths and fears over an Italian meal I didn't know how to pronounce. That is not the point here. The point here is that I went to lunch with my professor. We stepped outside the classroom and actually had a conversation beyond the paper that's due next week or the assignment that I forgot to post. I have learned so much in my few years in school and I want to share some of these tips because I believe it is one reason why I am successful.

1. Be Aggressive.
That might sound a little strange seeing that you don't want to scare your professor. However, if the professor sees and understands that you are completely enthusiastic about their class then I'm sure you will be noticed. In the copy of your syllabus, you will see your professor's office hours. Make time to talk to that professor during those hours. Talk about your expectations for your class, your research, or ask any questions you have about the class. Don't forget to say your name several times. Remember that you always want to stand out.

2. Produce Knowledge
Getting noticed is the first part of the game. Now you have to show your professor your skills. You don't have to be well versed in the subject of discussion since there is enough time to learn. You must,however ,ask interesting questions. Questions that are thought provoking, questions that require both you and the professor to read more.

 3. Remember your professor is also a human being.
Sometimes people see professors just as professors but not as mothers, fathers, aunties or uncles. Speak to them like you would speak to a counselor (at least say something in connection to your paper). But equally important, ask them how they are doing. Ask them how their classes are going and if they are enjoying it. I am not saying these kind of questions would cause your grade to go from a B+ to an A-. Being nice to professors teaches you how to relate to people who are in authority and how to confidently express your ideas in these kind of environments.

4. Create Excellent Work
Fortunately or Unfortunately for some lazy ones, you actually have to do the work. DO NOT PRODUCE AVERAGE WORK. Take that extra mile. If the assignment asks for 5 pages, ask the professor if you can write a little bit more (unless they say otherwise). Don't be afraid to ask your professor to read over your draft and give you comments on how to revise the paper. Visit the writing center of your school to get that extra help.

5.Appreciate Yourself
Always, Always look up to yourself? (I am trying to say here that don't look down on yourself) no matter the grade you get. If you don't like your grade, go back to the professor and ask him or her to explain their grading method. If you would like to improve your grade, ask the professor whether they would take a revised rewrite. Some professors would say no while others might have pity on you. Be ready to push yourself even further when life gets demanding.

My last tip would be to ask your professor for the class' syllabus two weeks before the class begins. It makes you look very impressive and also helps you to know what books to buy first.

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