It's not what you're thinking.. a guy didn't just reject my elaborate proposal. I don't usually do that by the way. If something like that happened, the roles would be reversed. Even if I got rejected by a guy, I would not write so extensively about it since he would probably feel too good about it.
I feel these kind of rejections are more important to talk about since they can affect how you feel about yourself and your future. Technically, I didn't get rejected but my favorite poem got rejected from a literary journal. As an English major, this means a lot to me. Since my concentration is in literature but not in creative writing, however, I am not too affected by such an outcome. I think the part that hurts me the most is that I took time out to write the poem. I won't post the poem here because it is really personal: (so why did you submit it to the journal?) I was just trying to be daring. Anyways back to rejection. I did not really feel so hurt about this rejection honestly because I have so many other things to think about this year. Also, I have been rejected several times and have managed(with my best-friend grace of course) to still continue on a successful path towards the future.
My first eventful rejection was in 2010. It was spring break: April 1st. My senior year in high school. I was enjoying the weather and also waiting anxiously for my acceptance letters from colleges. Yes! I had already determined that they would be acceptances and so I was just waiting for the confirmations. I opened the mail to two short letters. I knew it there and then that they were rejections. You know how a rejection letter reads right? If you don't, let me show you:
Dear Ms. Rachel Ansong,
Thank you for your application...This year we received so many talented and intelligent applicants...Unfortunately we could not offer you space in this year's application cycle...we wish you success where ever you go.
Thank You.
I shed some wonderful tears that day. I wondered, why couldn't I be successful there, at your school, Mr. Chairperson, whose signature is signed beautifully at the bottom of the page ?Those tears were very wonderful but looking back, I can only conclude that they weren't necessary. If I had just stopped and thought about ways to make my life better instead of concentrating on the past, I would have been so much happier in the beginning years of my college life. The fact is that rejection will come. It does not mean you should always look gloomy or always expect it. Life is about being hopeful; believing that no matter what comes your way, you have a reason to smile. Even now, I sometimes still get a few rejections but I cannot allow them to weigh me down. I have a vision and VERY BIG dreams and so I have to keep on moving forward. The next time you get rejected, whether it is by a human being, institution, or literary journal always remember it is really not the end of the world: apply again or look for the position elsewhere.
FYI: The same literary journal that rejected my poem actually accepted two of my poems last year...
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